Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Week #97 ........EJSP Unforgettable Missionary Moment #4

World cup makes mission life hard.... but wow people here like them some soccer. 


Since Father’s day was on Sunday, it got me thinking of father figures. Obviously my dad, but grandpa’s uncles and friends too have been great role models for me…but the most important has and will forever be God the ETERNAL FATHER! 


That brings me to my #4 EJSP Unforgettable Missionary Moment


I have felt closer to my Heavenly Father here on the mission than I ever have before. And I long to be ever closer to him. He has guided me and directed me and I am so grateful for his love.


This really should have been number one but it can be number four too!!


I love you all,

Elder Peacock


PS I think that France is going to take the cup!

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Week # 96....EJSP Unforgettable Missionary Moment #5

Hey everyone!!!! This week was great we had the baptism of Julio de Leon and it was sweet! It also rained super hard this week!!
EJSP Unforgettable Missionary Moment #5

On my mission i have had a few companions en the MTC I had Ostrander (Tennessee) and Horning (Utah,) then in the field Huaman (Peru) Ballesteros (Honduras) Sorto (El Salvador) Lares (Peru) Vivas (Honduras) Martinez (Honduras) Santos (Mexico) Rosas (Mexico) Conde (Peru) Davis (Virginia) Jacob (Utah) Miles (Utah). 

All of my companions have been super different, from different parts of the world, and I have learned from each of them!! I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to be with them and working for the salvation of the Lords sheep! 

Love Elder Peacock

Week #95 ......EJSP Unforgettable Missionary Moment #6

I am all good people thanks for all the emails regarding my safety, but I am all good. 

It was a sad week here in Guatemala, the biggest and strongest eruption in a long time. Death count is 100 and counting a bunch of people are missing and a lot of people lost all of there possessions. 

I am grateful to have the knowledge of the plan of salvation. Everything that doesn’t seem fair or just in this life will be made right through the atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ. 

This EJSP is defiantly natural disasters and storms. I lived in Antigua, the most famous place in Guatemala because of the beautiful views of the volcanoes. I was just recently in Escuintla where the most damage happened, and where 50ish missionaries are currently evacuated. I have seen that volcano go off probably 100 times I kid you not, but these are signs of the times folks. I didn’t get pictures of the volcanoes eruption, one because I was in church and didn’t have my camera, and two I couldn’t see the volcano just the ash and sand that fell here. As for the weather, yesterday I got soaked. My shoes are still wet and it continues to rain here in VN. I love Guatemala, but the weather is unpredictable, and we have seen that over the course of the last few days!!!

I Love You All! 

Elder Peacock

Week #94 ....EJSP Unforgettable Moment #7


This is my last week before my last transfer in my mission, although I know that I am staying in the same area, it is bitter sweet. I had a great week, and played a little monopoly on P-day with my companions since it rained all day. 

EJSP Unforgettable Missionary Moment #7


Divisions are some of my most favorite memories on the mission. You get to pair up with someone in your zone, get to know a new area and just work like crazy. Some of the craziest and most miracles like things happen on divisions. One time we were on the top of a mountain teaching a family and it started pouring so we slipped like a hundred times on the way down and got super muddy. Another time we dug a water-well. Mostly we offer/give blessings… blessings and more blessings! One division we felt impressed to knock on three doors on a specific street. First and second door there were not answers, but the third house we found some of my favorite converts. Divisions bring miracles because we have already decided to be at our best during divisions. I will miss getting to know a bunch of missionaries and doing the Lords work in divisions

Elder Peacock