Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Week #26......Through God we can do hard things!!

Sup family and friends,

This week was really hot and sweaty. I drank 15 bags of water in one day. I am doing really well but I’m kind of sick right now due to the heat, but we are all good. This week we had 5 investigators at church one of which was Henry. He is the coolest dude ever and he is progressing great. He just has problems to fix before baptism but who doesn’t we aren’t perfect. This week on Friday I did probably the hardest thing physically I’ve ever done in my life. We started a fast for some investigators at one o’clock, worked all day in the heat and went home. I was soooo parched and wanted to drink water with all of my heart but I didn’t and kept fasting. The next day we woke up at 5 to do service on a farm that harvest the Ule (rubber) form trees. We hiked like several miles in, cut wood carried it back with a makapal (thing for our head to carry wood) I was sweating so bad my shirt was dripping sweat it was nasty. I wanted to die because I wanted to drink so badly, but by the time we ended and got showered up we were only at like 11o’clock so we were still missing two hours of no water. During the hike I was praying the whole time to God to ask for strength to finish the hike and to finish the fast. He didn’t make it easy but he did make it possible to finish the fast in the Guatemalan heat. This reminds me of the atonement of Christ. Christ wanted to have the cup pass from him. But that was not Gods plan, God by no means made the atonement easy, but it was possible through his perfect son. Through God we can do hard things!!!!!

I love Santa Barbara and Guatemala and the mission and you guys!!

Peace from the heat 

Elder Peacock

PS GO PATS. My super bowl prediction without knowing a thing about either team is Patriots 27 - little birdies 10

Santa Barbara, Guatemala

Elder Peacock

Jake Companion Elder Lares

Elder Lares

Harvesting the Ule Trees

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