Hey Family and Friends,
This week was sick haha I have a new companion his name is Elder
Martinez. The first one to guess where he is from wins. Good Luck. haha He is
21 years old and is straight from the CCM so I’m training for the third change.
He is super awesome we get along great. Well this week we had changes so I said
goodbye to my old companion and hi to another. I love the opportunity that I
have to work with so many different elders from all around the world. Its
awesome to see how the gospel is universal not just a USA fad. I learned a lot
this week. We are teaching a homebody named Miguel Angel who has been to church
twice now and we are working with him to get him baptized I hope and pray that
he can be stronger than Satan’s temptations. We are working so hard to save a
branch that is falling face first. It is so sad to see faithful members go astray
from Christ’s teachings. I hope to help people convert to the Gospel and to
help people stay firm in it. Wow it’s already Memorial Day so that’s so sick. We
are getting POUNED with rain and it’s so hot but we work because we love the Savior
and his children. Oh yeah Elder Marler is in my zone so we have an absolute
blast on p-days hahahaha
Spiritual thought - one man cannot serve two masters. I was thinking
about that and it’s the same with faith and fear. You can be faithful or fearful
you cannot have them both. The choice is ours, Faith or Fear. CHOOSE FAITH IT’S
I love you guys with all my heart!!!!
Peace till maybe Thursday.......
Elder Peacock
Elder Marler and Elder Peacock CCM friends |
Jake's District |
Elder Martinez |

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